
Thought Leadership Program

Client: Wellpartner, inc.
Capabilities: Strategy, Branding,
Creative, Digital

Industry Experts


No longer a “Me-Too” company, Wellpartner was ready to share its voice and opinions on important subjects related to the 340B Program and the Healthcare industry.  Creating a successful thought leadership strategy opened doors, allowing Wellpartner to make more effective sales calls, differentiate themselves by demonstrating true leadership and delivering insights that are trusted; resulting in continued customer engagement.



NobleRock Creative worked closely with the Wellpartner executive team to identify strong relevant topics and created a project plan focused on accumulating important industry information and analytics to share with all audiences. The plan identified topic leaders within Wellpartner and strategic partners to support and provide additional insights. Built into the plan were contingencies for meeting pressing industry developments and staying timely and relevant to market changes.

Thanks for rolling with the punches, ducking the curve balls and having such a great outlook and strategic approach to everything we’ve thrown your way, both planned and unplanned. You guys are true partners, always there for us…When it matters most

Mike Majerick  VP Sales & Marketing, Wellpartner, Inc.

Each Thought Leadership article is written and produced for use in various formats and across multiple mediums. The Corporate website has a section dedicated to this content. We created Issue Briefs and Papers to support the content. To effectively communicate these articles’ publication, a targeted Digital campaign via eBlasts and postings shared through the company’s social channels became standard practice.

We are passionate about our work and about building meaningful, lasting client relationships.