
Brand Launch

Client: Wellpartner, inc.
Capabilities: Strategy, Branding,
Creative, Digital

Getting It Right . . .
When it Matters Most


It’s noisy in the marketplace, and a  message delivered once through a single medium rarely makes a difference. NobleRock set a goal to identify key messages within the overarching theme relevant to each of Wellpartner’s service solutions and establish a strategic approach to distribution across multiple communication channels.

Building meaningful tools that your team can use with confidence, provides your brand with a strategic advantage in a competitive marketplace.



We believe that successful marketing campaigns are more than just promotions and advertisements. A well-crafted campaign should leverage multiple mediums, use a sequence of messages over an extended time frame, support positioning, define a brand experience, and handle the campaign fulfillment by selling more services.

We wanted to generate leads and sales, as well as position Wellpartner as the only choice when it comes to 340B Program management. Conducting initial market research, listening to customers to identify what really matters most was a key part of our campaign planning.  By doing this we were able to create a two-phase campaign approach that will run for several years.

Major Initiatives


While it’s still early stages in Phase One campaign “When it Matters Most”, initial feedback has been positive and appears to highly resonate with Wellpartner’s target market. Using this campaign statement in all forms of communication outreach including Wellpartner’s website, sales collateral, email blast campaigns, Thought Leadership programs and employee engagement initiatives continues to reinforce the statement that Wellpartner is clearly the most rewarding choice in a saturated and confusing market.

Creating a clear ‘call to action’ throughout the campaign, NobleRock has established a solid means and process for lead generation and sales qualification. With thoughtful planning, motivating creativity, and a focus on measurement, we’ve provided Wellpartner with a strong platform for success.

We are passionate about our work and about building meaningful, lasting client relationships.