CRMfusion | Validity

Brand Audit, Analysis & Recommendations

Client: CRMfusion
Capabilities: Strategy, Branding,
Creative, Digital

CRMfusion – Brand Confusion!


The NobleRock Creative team was the first phone call made by Mark Briggs once he understood that CRMfusion was the opportunity that would take him out of early retirement and back at the helm, creating a new corporate powerhouse. We had worked closely with Mark when he turned a small company named Visionshare into a $Billion Medicare/Medicaid industry leader called ABILITY Network.

Sometimes you are too close to your own brand and its message that it is often difficult to see the gaps in what you say and how you present your brand.



Over a period of two months, NobleRock conducted an extensive review and analysis of the CRMfusion brand, positioning, and messaging across all communication channels. Our research included: key employee interviews, customer interviews, survey feedback, websites, collateral materials, sales and marketing presentations, various product sales channels.

We conducted a competitor assessment that identified critical gaps and opportunities. Our report presented key findings and recommendations in 60+ pages with supporting material to help illustrate to the company that market growth potential existed and needed to be seized. At the same time, they were still in a position of strength.

The brand report that NobleRock created pulled no punches and delivered a very clear assessment of the CRMfusion brand and its limited marketing potential.  –  Loved the report: A+

Mark Briggs   CEO, Validity

A consistent approach through all marketing and communications efforts will result in successful and rewarding brand experiences. It builds continuity and increases awareness with all constituents.

Page Report


Receiving an A+ from the CEO is always a good result. In addition to this, the two founders of CRMfusion made it very clear they were highly impressed with the report and in 100% agreement with our findings and recommendations. The overall result was developing a very aggressive plan to rename, position, and launch a brand that would reflect the company’s future vision. The NobleRock team was required to design a new brand identity suite, create a new strategic message platform, and execute a full program of corporate sales and marketing solutions, including printed collateral,  trade display materials, website solution, and a complete strategic marketing plan and campaign to cover the next 12 months.

We are passionate about our work and about building meaningful, lasting client relationships.