Get Your Story Down – Know It, Breath It, Live It & Share it.
“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone’s soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.”
-Erin Morgenstern
Once upon a time, there was a need to engage our customers to persuade them to buy our products and services. We spent countless hours putting together PowerPoint presentations that outlined the technical specifications and intricacies regarding our products and services’ benefits. Other approaches included fact sheets or pitch books that showed statistical graphs and number charts plotting the companies’ outcomes only to be met with yawns and a disenfranchised audience. To really connect with your audience, companies need to engage with them on a humanistic level. You want your audience to care about what you’re telling them truly. The use of robust content in the form of storytelling is what engages and influences audiences.
Great stories have a way of making us think, make us feel, and inspire us to act. Think about the last great story you read. You remember the setting, the plot, and the characters. You were emotionally invested in the outcome and hopefully were left after the last page wanting more. Everyone loves a great story, and businesses that can tell one about themselves will increase their market advantage. Stories make ideas stick; they are the seeds of creating a connection. So the question that remains to be answered is how to tell your story.
Each of us already knows how to tell a story. We’ve been telling and listening to stories our whole lives. Recapping the events of your day to someone is a story. Talking about the last vacation you took and all the highlights is a story. Your life is a story, yet sometimes we don’t think of it as such. Telling your company’s story is how you draw people in. Your audience is yearning to know what you’re about rather than what you are. Let them know what drives you and your company; its values, culture, and philosophy. They don’t want to know as much about what you do, but more about how what you do will impact their lives and others. Share real-life accounts about the people who have been impacted and benefited by your company’s products and services; how you’ve truly made a difference. Connect with your audience in a way that allows them to see a picture, feel the emotion, and become more involved so that they not only remember the message you’re trying to convey but also explore the vast number of possibilities.
We have been communicating through stories for over 20,000 years, drawing images on cave walls and tales around the campfires. People are attracted to stories; let the NobleRock Creative team help you tell yours.